August 2024Vol.34

Progress in acoustic measurements and geoacoustic applications

Lin Fa, Huiting Yang, Yuxiao Fa, Shuangshuang Meng, Jurong Bai, Yandong Zhang, Xiangrong Fang, Xiao Zou, Xinhao Cui, Yanli Wang & Meishan Zhao

Encircling the Liouvillian exceptional points: a brief review

Konghao Sun & Wei Yi

Density functional theory study of two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: frontier level alignment and chirality-induced spin splitting

Ruyi Song & Rundong Zhao

Environment-induced information scrambling transition with charge conservations

Pengfei Zhang & Zhenhua Yu

High-capacity device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using hyper-entanglement

Gui-Lu Long

First Asian Physics Olympiad in Malaysia

Pua Chang Hong from IFM (Institut Fizik Malaysia)

Qi-Kun Xue receives the 2023 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor

Ke He and Xu-Cun Ma

CosPA 2024

Yungui Gong

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AAPPS bulletin [Vol.34 (Aug)]

Current issue

Progress in acoustic measurements and geoacoustic applications

Geoacoustic exploration is a rapidly evolving field investigating underground rock formations and sediment environments through acoustic waves. In this paper, we present a review of recent research progress, focusing on newly discovered physical phenomena, such as the reflection and refraction of acoustic waves at the interface between anisotropic rocks and between liquid and solid, the characteristics of electric-acoustic (and acoustic-electric) conversion of piezoelectric transducers

Lin Fa, Huiting Yang, Yuxiao Fa, Shuangshuang Meng, Jurong Bai, Yandong Zhang, Xiangrong Fang, Xiao Zou, Xinhao Cui, Yanli Wang & Meishan Zhao

Research and Review Article no.23 2024
Encircling the Liouvillian exceptional points: a brief review

Exceptional points are the branch-point singularities of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and have rich consequences in open-system dynamics. While the exceptional points and their critical phenomena are widely studied in the non-Hermitian settings without quantum jumps, they also emerge in open quantum systems depicted by the Lindblad master equations, wherein they are identified as the degeneracies in the Liouvillian eigenspectrum. These Liouvillian exceptional points often have distinct p

Konghao Sun & Wei Yi

Research and Review Article no.22 2024
Density functional theory study of two-dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites: frontier level alignment and chirality-induced spin splitting

Perovskites are a class of semiconductors initially recognized for their exceptional efficiency in solar cell applications. Subsequent research has revealed their diverse and attractive optoelectronic properties. Over the last decades, molecule-level engineering attempts toward the original three-dimensional (“3D”) perovskites have led to the emergence of two-dimensional (“2D”) layered crystals and introduced extensive compositional, structural, and electronic tunability through the in

Ruyi Song & Rundong Zhao

Research and Review Article no.20 2024
Environment-induced information scrambling transition with charge conservations

In generic closed quantum systems, the complexity of operators increases under time evolution governed by the Heisenberg equation, reflecting the scrambling of local quantum information. However, when systems interact with an external environment, the system-environment coupling allows operators to escape from the system, inducing a dynamical transition between the scrambling phase and the dissipative phase. This transition is known as the environment-induced information scrambling tra

Pengfei Zhang & Zhenhua Yu

Research and Review Article no.19 2024
The developments in carbon-modified graphitic carbon nitride for photoelectrochemical water splitting: a mini review

Graphitic carbon nitride (g-CN), as a potential photoelectrode for photoelectrochemical water splitting, has garnered significant research attention owing to its favorable attributes, including a suitable bandgap, abundant elemental composition, excellent thermal stability, and non-toxicity. However, the limited efficiency of visible light absorption and poor electrical conductivity of pure g-CN result in low photocurrent density and photocatalytic activity, falling short of meeting th

Yuewen Yang, Tingrui Xu & Ruiqin Zhang

Research and Review Article no.17 2024
Surface and bulk acoustic wave resonators based on aluminum nitride for bandpass filters

Bandpass filters with high frequency and wide bandwidth are indispensable parts of the fifth-generation telecommunication technologies, and currently, they are mainly based on surface and bulk acoustic wave resonators. Owing to its high mechanical strength, excellent stability at elevated temperatures, good thermal conductivity, and compatibility with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, aluminum nitride (AlN) becomes the primary piezoelectric material for high-frequency

Xian-Hu Zha, Jing-Ting Luo, Ran Tao & Chen Fu

Research and Review Article no.14 2024
A newly developed Cu(Rh) alloy film and its characteristics and applications

A new type of copper (Cu)-rhodium (Rh)-alloy, Cu(Rh), films is developed by co-sputtering copper and rhodium onto silicon (Si) substrates under an argon (Ar) atmosphere. The new films are next annealed at 600 and 670 °C, or alternatively at 100 and 450 °C, for 1 h. Longer annealing to the films, for up to 8 days, is also conducted to explore resistivity variation. The resistivity of the new 300-nm-thick film is 2.19 μΩ cm after annealing at 670 °C for 1 h and drifts to 2.26 and 2.14 μΩ

Chon-Hsin Lin

Research and Review Article no.13 2024
A quantum algorithm for linear differential equations with layerwise parameterized quantum circuits

Solving linear differential equations is a common problem in almost all fields of science and engineering. Here, we present a variational algorithm with shallow circuits for solving such a problem: given an \(N \times N\) matrix \({\boldsymbol{A}}\), an N-dimensional vector \(\boldsymbol{b}\), and an initial vector \(\boldsymbol{x}(0)\), how to obtain the solution vector \(\boldsymbol{x}(T)\) at time T according to the constraint \(\textrm{d}\boldsymbol{x}(t)/\textrm{d} t = {\boldsymbo

Junxiang Xiao, Jingwei Wen, Zengrong Zhou, Ling Qian, Zhiguo Huang, Shijie Wei & Guilu Long

Research and Review Article no.12 2024
The study of angular distance distribution to the solar flares during different solar cycles

The angular distance of the solar flares to the projective point of the center of the solar disk on the solar spherical surface has been studied by the heliographical or helioprojective coordinates, during the periods 1975–2021 for GOES events and 2002–2021 for RHESSI events, hereafter “distance.” It gives a specific distribution curvature. It has also been noted that when using the number of solar flare events in each satellite, GOES or RHESSI, or even using the sum of the flux (class

Ramy Mawad

Research and Review Article no.10 2024
Intersections of ultracold atomic polarons and nuclear clusters: how is a chart of nuclides modified in dilute neutron matter?

Neutron star observations, as well as experiments on neutron-rich nuclei, used to motivate one to look at degenerate nuclear matter from its extreme, namely, pure neutron matter. As an important next step, impurities and clusters in dilute neutron matter have attracted special attention. In this paper, we review in-medium properties of these objects on the basis of the physics of polarons, which have been recently realized in ultracold atomic experiments. We discuss how such atomic and

Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano & Kei Iida

Research and Review Article no.9 2024

Research Highlights & News and Views

First Asian Physics Olympiad in Malaysia

4 First Asian Physics Olympiad in Malaysia by Pua Chang Hong from IFM (Institut Fizik Malaysia) The Asian Physics Olympiad 2024 (APhO 2024) was successfully held in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia, from June 3 to 10, 2024. Kampar, a historic town in the state of Perak, provided a unique and picturesque setting for the Olympiad. This was the first time Malaysia hosted the Physics Olympiad, or any international Science Olympiad. The event was organized by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and attracte

Pua Chang Hong from IFM (Institut Fizik Malaysia)

News and Views Article no.21 2024
Qi-Kun Xue receives the 2023 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor

3 Qi-Kun Xue receives the 2023 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor by Ke He and Xu-Cun Ma The 2023 National Science and Technology Award Conference was held in Beijing on June 24, 2024. The 2023 State Preeminent Science and Technology Award, China’s top scientific honor, was granted to Academician Qi-Kun Xue for his outstanding contribution to scientific and technological innovation. Moreover, Qi-Kun Xue is the first Chinese national to win the Fritz Lond

Ke He and Xu-Cun Ma

News and Views Article no.21 2024
CosPA 2024

2 CosPA 2024 by Yungui Gong The community in astrophysics, cosmology, and gravitation has anticipated onsite conferences/workshops since the restrictions associated with COVID-19 pandemic ended. The International Symposium on Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (CosPA), which is typically held annually, is steered by the Asia Pacific CosPA Organization (AP CosPA Org.), supported by the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP), and is the main activity endorsed by the Division of Astr

Yungui Gong

News and Views Article no.21 2024
High-capacity device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using hyper-entanglement

1 High-capacity device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using hyper-entanglement by Gui-Lu Long Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is an innovative quantum communication paradigm that transmits information directly using quantum states. First proposed in 2000 [1], QSDC has evolved over more than two decades [2]. Before Bennett and Brassard invented the first quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol, they initially studied QSDC. Unfortunately, their submission was

Gui-Lu Long

Research Highlights Article no.21 2024
Universiti Malaya Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics Research (CAAR)- a regional hub for space science research in Malaysia

Universiti Malaya Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics Research (CAAR)- a regional hub for space science research in Malaysia by Zamri Zainal Abidin, Norhasliza Yusof, Nazhatulshima Ahmad and Muhammad Luqman Hakeem Bin Musa from IFM (Institut Fizik Malaysia) *Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Research, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Universiti Malaya (UM) has been leading many areas of innovative and outstanding research in vario

IFM(Zamri Zainal Abidin, Norhasliza Yusof, Nazhatulshima Ahmad and Muhammad Luqman Hakeem Bin Musa)

News and Views Article no.16 2024
Farewell to Peter Fulde

Farewell to Peter Fulde by Yunkyu Bang (President of APCTP) On April 11th, 2024, Prof. Peter Fulde peacefully passed away at his home in Dresden, Germany. Along with many others, I found it difficult to accept this sad news. I flew to Dresden and shared my sorrow with many people at his funeral on May 3rd at the Alter Annenfriedhof in Dresden. Prof. Fulde's passing symbolizes the fading out of the generation that shaped condensed matter physics of the 20th century. In many senses, he was a gian

Yunkyu Bang (President of APCTP)

News and Views Article no.16 2024
An Overview of Thai Research in Physics: Achievements and Roadmaps for the Future

6 An Overview of Thai Research in Physics: Achievements and Roadmaps for the Future by TPS (Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Dheerawan Boonyawan and Duangmanee Wongratanaphisan) Introduction Physics research and its applications have developed significantly in Thailand during the past decade. The importance of physics as a basic science platform for the sustainable development of technology and high-performance personnel and for making substantial contributions to the socio-economic development of Th

TPS (Boonrucksar Soonthornthum, Dheerawan Boonyawan and Duangmanee Wongratanaphisan)

News and Views Article no.15 2024
The Physical Society of Japan Announces the Recipients of the 29th Outstanding Paper Award

5 The Physical Society of Japan Announces the Recipients of the 29th Outstanding Paper Award by JPS In recognition of important achievements toward progress in physics, the Physical Society of Japan (JPS) annually selects outstanding papers from original research articles published in the Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Progress of Theoretical Physics, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, and JPS Conference Proceedings. The selection committee has chosen four papers for t


News and Views Article no.15 2024
The Physical Society of Japan: The 5th (2024) Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Prize

4 The Physical Society of Japan: The 5th (2024) Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Prize by JPS The late Fumiko Yonezawa, emeritus professor of Keio University, made major contributions to physics, such as the development of the coherent potential approximation, and the theory of the metal–insulator transition in liquid selenium. Prof. Yonezawa served as the first female president of the Physical Society of Japan (JPS) and as the president of the Society for Women Scientists for a Bright Future, she also


News and Views Article no.15 2024
18th ANPhA Board Meeting and Symposium

3 18th ANPhA Board Meeting and Symposium by Byungsik Hong (Chair of AAPPS-DNP) The 18th board meeting of the Asian Nuclear Physics Association (ANPhA) was held at the Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, Korea on November 10, 2023. ANPhA also serves as the Division of Nuclear Physics (DNP) for AAPPS. ANPhA’s board meetings were held online from 2020 to 2022, and this year’s meeting was the first in-person meeting after the COVID-19 pandemic. The venue was the Institute for Rare Isotope Sc

Byungsik Hong (Chair of AAPPS-DNP)

News and Views Article no.15 2024

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  • tsinghua
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  • Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University [opening a new window]
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  • komac kaeri [opening a new window]

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