Rudrajyoti Palit & Rajarshi Raut
Abstract This article highlights the significance of level lifetime measurements in nuclear structure studies that principally center on probing the myriad excitation phenomena exhibited by nuclei through evolving regimes of excitations in energy, angular momentum, and isospin. The same has been illustrated through discussions on some of the measurements undertaken using the Indian National Gamma Array (INGA) set up at the BARC-TIFR Pelletron LINAC Facility (PLF) in TIFR, Mumbai. The diverse ph
More to ReadSiriyaporn Sangaroon, Kunihiro Ogawa & Mitsutaka Isobe
Abstract Comprehensive neutron diagnostics have been developed and used to study magnetic confinement fusion plasmas. The neutron emission spectrometer is one of the most powerful tools for understanding fusion plasma physics. Neutron spectroscopy was originally developed to measure the fuel ion temperature in thermal plasmas. With the advent of fast ion heating, the role of neutron spectroscopy has evolved to deepen the understanding of fast ion confinement. Since neutrons are primarily produc
More to ReadHuixian Xie, Jiacheng Xiao, Hongyi Chen, Boyang Zhang, Kwun Nam Hui, Shanqing Zhang, Chenyu Liu, Dong Luo & Zhan Lin
Abstract To satisfy the needs of modern intelligent society for power supplies with long-endurance ability, Li-rich Mn-based layered oxides (LRMOs) are receiving much attention because of their ultrahigh capacity. However, their real-world implementation is hindered by the serious voltage decay, which results in a continuous decrease in energy density. The understanding on voltage decay still remains a mystery due to the complicated hybrid cationic-anionic redox and the serious surface-interfac
More to ReadJiaao Li, Hui Han, Xiaopeng Huang, Bangying Tang, Kai Guo, Jinquan Huang, Siyu Xiong, Wanrong Yu, Zhaojian Zhang, Junbo Yang, Bo Liu, Huan Chen & Zhenkun Lu
Abstract Quantum clock synchronization (QCS) can measure out the high-precision clock difference among distant users, which breaks through the standard quantum limit by employing the properties of quantum entanglement. Currently, the wavelength division multiplexed QCS network has been demonstrated with a spontaneous parametric down-conversion entangled photon source. In this paper, we propose a more efficient QCS network scheme with the wavelength multicasting entangled photon source, which ca
More to ReadTaira Kawamura & Yoji Ohashi
Abstract We present a theoretical review of the recent progress in non-equilibrium BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer)-BEC (Bose-Einstein condensation) crossover physics. As a paradigmatic example, we consider a strongly interacting driven-dissipative two-component Fermi gas where the non-equilibrium steady state is tuned by adjusting the chemical potential difference between two reservoirs that are coupled with the system. As a powerful theoretical tool to deal with this system, we employ the Schw
More to ReadYue Wang, Rundong Zhao, Rui-Qin Zhang
1 From physics to AI: Hopfield and Hinton revolutionized artificial neural networks by Yue Wang, Rundong Zhao, Rui-Qin Zhang With the rapid increase in computing technology and the widespread application of big data, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way we live and work at an unprecedented pace. From smart assistants to self-driving cars and from medical diagnosis to personalized recommendations, AI technology is permeating various industries and affecting multipl
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11 Majulab 2024 by Leong Chuan Kwek 11.1 Vive Le Colloque Quantique Français-Singapourien The French-Singaporean Quantum Symposia (FSQS 2024) is designed to establish strategic partnerships in the field of quantum technology between Singapore and France. The inaugural event took place from November 5 to 7 at the Copthorne King’s Hotel in Singapore. This gathering aims to further strengthen the existing synergies among academics, representatives from the emerging quantum industry, and end-users
More to ReadLeong Chuan Kwek
10 The Institute of Physics Singapore (IPS) meeting 2024 by Leong Chuan Kwek Spearheaded by Christian Kurtsiefer, the Institute of Physics Singapore (IPS) has successfully conducted its Annual Meeting each year since 2012, even during the COVID-19 years from 2020 to 2022. This conference is co-organized with several prominent universities and institutions in Singapore, including the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, the Institute of Advanced Studies@NTU, A*Star
More to ReadLi Lu and Leong Chuan Kwek
9 Report on the 33rd General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) by Li Lu and Leong Chuan Kwek The 33rd General Assembly of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) was organized from Oct. 11, 2024 to October 13, 2024 in conjunction with the Annual Fall Meeting of the Chinese Physical Society (CPS), at the beautiful idyllic island of Hainan, China. This is the first time in the last 100 years that IUPAP General Assembly is held in China. Th
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8 Institut Fizik Malaysia News by Sithi V. Muniandy 8.1 Artscience approach for acculturation of holistic STEM education in Malaysia by Sithi V. Muniandy from IFM (Institut Fizik Malaysia) The diminishing interest in pursuing higher education in the era of gig economy raises serious concerns for all sectors that need highly competent human capital. The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM) reported that about 70% of 560,000 Malaysians who hold a diploma in 2019 preferred to join the workforc
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7 Thai physics society news by Dheerawan Boonyawan Following are the recent developments and activity plans of Thai Physics Society. (1) 7th International School on Beam Dynamics and Accelerator Technology (ISBA24) will be held early between 1 and 9 November 2024. The venue is Chiang Mai University (CMU), Chiang Mai, Thailand. The school is organized as an edition of the KEK-IINAS-NX series and hosted by PBP-CMU Electron Linac Laboratory (PCELL), Ching Mai University, the Hub of Talents for Par
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6 Australian Institute of Physics 2024 awards by Murray Batchelor The following members of the Australian Institute of Physics have been recognized with AIP Awards for outstanding accomplishments in research, leadership, communication, and industry. The awards will be presented at the AIP Congress to be held in Melbourne during December 2–6. Professor Michael Tobar (University of Western Australia) has been awarded the Harrie Massey Medal and Prize. This award is a gift of the Institute of Phys
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5 2024 AAPPS-APCTP C. N. Yang Award by Rajdeep Singh Rawat The 2024 AAPPS-APCTP C. N. Yang Awards were awarded to three outstanding and prospective young scholars, Gil-Ho Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Kyohei MUKAIDA (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK) and Yong-Chun LIU (Tsinghua University). A total of 39 nominations were received from 9 different regions with representations in 9 different sessions of Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC-15) (refer to Table 3
More to ReadBaonian Wan, Abhijit Sen
4 Annual News from the Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) 4.1 Baonian Wan 4.1.1 AAPPS-DPP Membership Distribution AAPPS-DPP started with 92 founding members in 2014. As of April 1, 2022, the DPP has 2551 members around the world. The regional distribution of our members is as follows: India (1196), Beijing (477), Japan (303), Korea (134), US (91), Australia (52), Taipei (38), France (33), Nepal (30), Germany (27), UK (23), Thailand (19), Italy (17), Belgium (15), Malaysia (14), Pakistan (12), Phi
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3 In memory of Prof. Rohini Godbole by Amol Dighe Prof. Rohini Godbole, one of the pioneers of collider physics phenomenology in India and a champion of gender equity in STEM, passed away on October 25th, 2024. Born in Pune, India, in 1952, Rohini Godbole received her early education at the University of Pune, and she completed her master’s in physics at IIT Bombay (where she later received the Distinguished Alumni Award). She left India in 1974 for her doctoral studies at the University of Sto
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2 The three “meetings” of life—recalling Mr. Guangzhao by Enge Wang On the evening of August 17, 2024, while I was still on my way to visit abroad, I suddenly received the news that Mr. Guangzhao had passed away. For a moment, I was choked up and did not know what to say. Slowly, the scenes of my interactions with Mr. Guangzhao over the past decades began to emerge. For the Chinese scientific community, Mr. Guangzhao’s departure is a great loss in every dimension. For those of us who were born
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