1 High-capacity device-independent quantum secure direct communication protocol using hyper-entanglement by Gui-Lu Long Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is an innovative quantum communication paradigm that transmits information directly using quantum states. First proposed in 2000 [1], QSDC has evolved over more than two decades [2]. Before Bennett and Brassard invented the first quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol, they initially studied QSDC. Unfortunately, their submission was
Gui-Lu Long
2 Evidence for Ultra-long Wavelengths Gravitational Waves by Bhal Chandra Joshi and Yashwant Gupta A new window in the gravitational wave (GW) spectrum was opened recently at nano-Hertz frequencies with the recent announcement of evidence for such waves from stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) by the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA) and the Indo-Japanese Pulsar Timing Array (InPTA) collaboration coordinated with a similar announcement by the North American NanOhertz GRAVitational
Bhal Chandra Joshi, Yashwant Gupta
1 Collective Neutrino Oscillations by Basudeb Dasgupta Neutrino oscillation, the quantum transmutation of one type of neutrino to another, takes on a puzzling new form when the density of neutrinos is very large. This new kind of neutrino oscillation, called collective neutrino oscillation, has presented an interesting challenge for theoretical physicists. Although many aspects remain to be fully understood, its anticipated impact on the explosion of stars and the creation of elements therein p
Basudeb Dasgupta
Physicists at the Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia, have proposed an exact and solvable model for Fermi polarons that is experimentally realizable in current cold-atom laboratories. The resulting exact many-body solution allowed them to rigorously prove all exact and universal quasiparticle features of Fermi polarons. The behavior of an impurity immersed in a many-body background—i.e., polaron physics—is a long-standing problem in condensed matter physics and many-body
Hui Hu (PRL)
A Revolution in the Standard Model of Particle Physics? The "Overweight" W Gauge Boson from CDF II Lei Wu The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is one of the most fundamental theories of physics. It describes the fundamental particles that make up our world and the three fundamental interactions between them: the electromagnetic force, the weak force, and the strong force. In the Standard Model, all interactions are mediated by exchanging gauge bosons. Discovered in 1983, the W boson is a
Lei Wu
The Noncommutative Values of Quantum Observables: A New Perspective on Quantum Physics Otto C.W. Kong (National Central University) ABSTRACT The article gives an introductory summary of our recent results from the perspective of the new conceptual notion of noncommutative values of quantum observables, where basic quantum mechanics is seen a theory of particle dynamics that is intrinsically noncommutative. Real numbers as an algebra is really an abstract mathematical model for the description o
Otto C.W. Kong
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