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Honorary AAPPS fellow conferred to Prof. Jie Zhang, AAPPS President 2008–2010

writerGui-Lu Long

Vol.34 (Feb) 2024 | Article no.11 2024

2 Honorary AAPPS fellow conferred to Prof. Jie Zhang, AAPPS President 2008–2010 by Gui-Lu Long

Prof Jie Zhang, AAPPS President 20082010, was awarded the title of AAPPS Honorary Fellow during the 14th annual workshop on frontiers of optics in Xiong-an in September 2023. The certificate was presented to Jie by Prof. Guozhen Yang, former president of CPS. Prof. Gui-Lu Long, President of AAPPS 20172019, chaired the ceremony. In the introduction speech, Gui-Lu summarized the three major contributions of Jie Zhang to AAPPS. First, he made a series of contributions to enhance the profile of AAPPS in various ways; second, he started the Asia-Europe Physics Summit, which has been a regular series and a close link between AAPPS and EPS; third, he restarted the publication of AAPPS Bulletin after a stop of more than 1 year. Prof. Jie Zhang is the current president of CPS (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

From left to right: Guozhen Yang, Jie Zhang, and Gui-Lu Long


  1. The T2K Collaboration, Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations. Nature 580, 339 (2020)

[Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43673-024-00116-8]