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Honorary AAPPS fellow conferred to Prof. Jia-er Chen, AAPPS President 1997–1999

writerGui-Lu Long

Vol.34 (Feb) 2024 | Article no.11 2024

1 Honorary AAPPS fellow conferred to Prof. Jia-er Chen, AAPPS President 1997–1999 by Gui-Lu Long

On the occasion of his 90th birthday this October, Prof. Ja-er Chen, president of AAPPS during 19971999 and a world-renowned physicist in accelerator physics, was presented the certificate of AAPPS honorary fellow for his great contributions to the AAPPS, and the decision was made in an AAPPS council meeting in 2019. The certificate was conferred to him by Prof. Jie Zhang, the president of CPS and the president of AAPPS between 2008 and 2010.

Jia-er graduated from the Physics Department of Northeast Renmin University in 1954, the predecessor of Jilin University, and became a lecturer afterwards. In 1955, he was transferred to work in Peking University. From 1963 to 1966, he was a visiting scholar at Oxford University and Rutherford Institute of High Energy. From 1982 to 1984, he worked as a visiting scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Nuclear Physics Laboratory of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. In 1984, he was appointed as Vice President of Peking University. In 1993, he was elected as an academician of China Academy of Sciences. From August 1996 to December 1999, he served as the President of Peking University (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Prof. Jiaer Chen (right) was presented the certificate of honorary AAPPS fellow by Prof. Jie Zhang (left), President of Chinese Physical Society and AAPPS President between 2008 and 2010


  1. The T2K Collaboration, Constraint on the matter-antimatter symmetry-violating phase in neutrino oscillations. Nature 580, 339 (2020)

[Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s43673-024-00116-8]